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Sinnoh Remakes

No.43704962 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Early 2021 release.
>Names: Dusk Diamond and Dawn Pearl (picture shown above is not their real cases).
>Pokemon follow you.
>GF listened to the swsh backlash, so the national dex is back in these games.
>Megas are back, with lots of Sinnoh Pokemon(the starters, Staraptor, Luxray, Floatzel, and more) getting megas.
>Dialga, Palkia, and Arceus get primals.
>No new Giratina form but you get it's origin form.
>Postgame Giratina and Arceus episode with distortion world.
>Graphics similar to swsh, but they are better.
>All features from D/P/Pt such as the underground, and contests are back, as well as all the others.
>No wild areas, no tournament style gyms or league, no stadium gyms, and no Sinnoh forms.
>There won't be a dlc for these games.
>Battle frontier is back.
>The villa from Platinum is back, with a lot more stuff to put in it.
>You can rebattle the gym leaders, your rival, Cyrus, and the Galactic Commanders once per day in postgame.
>Transfer 5 regis from Crown Tundra to get Regigigas.
>Day 1 gift of a shiny Pokemon with it's final evolutions mega stone, but I don't know what it is (it will probably be Shinx or Riolu).
>Direct coming early June, about the dlc, and it ends showing a small trailer for these games.