>>43718527gengar looks crosseyed
every single other tentacruel sprite is superior
can't even tell what exeggutor is supposed to be with that stupid fucking sprite
mewtwo's head is twice the size of the rest of his body and legs and arms. WTF?
lmfao ekans
not a con, just miss when pikachu had a spot on his belly
sandshrew's pyramid brick pattern is impossible to see
vulpix derp
wigglytuff's soulless stare
the entire vileplume line looks like a bunch of niggers with the same fashion sense as a TF2 player
paras is unidentifiable
unable to show poliwrath's muscles
you would never know that shellder is biting slowbro's tail
farfetch'd looks huge
why is cloyster sideways?
where is gastly's orb? literally a face on tv-screen static
exeggcute looks bigger than exeggutor
marowak's skull just looks like a normal head
koffing is wrong
jynx being a nigger
magmar being bullied every goddamn school year, even into college.
dancing omastar
if you told me that was articuno I'd call you a liar, shoot you, then fart on your balls.
in that order.