>>43730845The Pokemon that'd mainly comprise of this list would be mons that have abysmally low offenses (Like, base offenses of 20 or under on both spectrums) such as Shuckle, have no offensive coverage in general such as Pyukumuku and the Wobbuffet line, or are like Shedinja and hinge specifically on their ability to survive. That results in an incredibly small list of mons unless you're throwing in LCs or unused NFEs. Otherwise most anything with offenses in the 40s or 50s immediately get rebuked due to the fact that Huge Power or a Special equivalent would make them akin to the top Physical or Special threats in the game, so mons like Toxapex turn from passive walls to bulky offensive monsters. Even Chansey, while sporting a 35 base Special attack, would no longer be a passive wall as it could spam decent Flamethrowers and Ice Beams against its opponents with an offensive stat closer to base 80 without any investment, having an offense akin to Jellicent or Mantine.