>>43733791Yeah, it's stated that Megas were discovered in Kalos and that they're an unknown thing. Rayquaza being the first to Mega evolve was because OR/AS was AU of R/S, which was the whole deal about Zinnia's dumb idea.
>Cynthia and mega garchomp don’t mean shitOther than the fact that Megas were never tied to one region only, seeing as Megas also got put into another AU easily (Let's Go) while Z-Moves and now Dynamax are pretty limited to their region. Hell, in Let's Go Z-moves were basically scrapped while Megas became easier to use.
I mean, shit, the thing that S/S and Let's Go took inspiration from (GO) is reaching the point where Megas are going to pop up, and Let's Go pretty much previewed an easier to use system for them.