>>43733410When feeding your Pokémon berries, instead of healing, curing, raising friendship, etc. they will now fart, depending on the berry they will have special effects when consumed. For example, a Tamato berry will make them do a damaging fart with a fire type. An oran berry will heal 25% of a Pokémon's heath 100% of the time, and a sitrus berry will heal 100% of a Pokémon's heath but only works 25% of the time. A wiki berry tells you the current opponents Pokémon’s type, moves, item, ability, stats, and if you haven’t caught the kind of Pokémon the opponent is using currently it will register it’s info in the Pokédex as if you have caught it. I think you get the idea of what berries would do.
and the evil team is always the law enforcement