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No.43754102 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Could this birb be the answer to Lando-T we've been looking for for so long?
Obviously this is somewhat speculative, main assumptions are spread stays the same but attack stats are switched, and that it will be able to use the Brave Bird TR which I feel are fairly safe predictions. Calcs are all done with Jolly in mind for both of them.

A lot of this comes down to Defiant, turning Landos greatest strength into a weakness. + Brave Bird does 78.3 - 92.4% meaning Lando just cannot afford to switch in on Zapdos at all, even 252/252 Impish Lando takes 46.3 - 54.4%, and again this is Jolly with no item. Lando just can not switch in on Zapdos period, and since switching in to physical attackers to dampen them is one of Landos favorite pastimes, this presents a problem.

Without Intimidate proccing Defiant it's a bit more of an even matchup, although I think it's slightly in favor for Zapdos. EQ is useless and a free switch, Fly won't exist without the Z-Crystal, so Landos best weapon against Zapdos is Stone Miss at 42.3 - 49.8% on offensive sets, Zapdos can 2HKO with Brave Bird no problem if it gets in safe and if it gets to keep Roost can pretty safely play the waiting game with Lando. Defensive sets give Zapdos a biiit more trouble breaking though without a boost but they also absolutely cannot afford to Defog and unless they have Toxic, can't really threaten back either.

What do you all think? Am I overhyping this or does this seem like a legitimate thorn in the kings side?