[7 / 2 / ?]
Quoted By: >>43757496
>be me, 25
>played pokemon since pre-school, started with blue
>never got a shiny in my entire life
>fast forward to today
>breeding comp team late at night
>sleep deprived
>watching youtube while breeding
>in the corner of my eye I see it
>a green impidimp
>genuine excitement
>nickname it "Hisoka" and put it in my comp teams box for safety
>go to the bathroom
>come back and get distracted looking for another video
>got in the habit of releasing impidimps in the box
>without thinking, I release my first ever shiny
>my stomach drops as I watch him shrink into the distance
I want to die
>played pokemon since pre-school, started with blue
>never got a shiny in my entire life
>fast forward to today
>breeding comp team late at night
>sleep deprived
>watching youtube while breeding
>in the corner of my eye I see it
>a green impidimp
>genuine excitement
>nickname it "Hisoka" and put it in my comp teams box for safety
>go to the bathroom
>come back and get distracted looking for another video
>got in the habit of releasing impidimps in the box
>without thinking, I release my first ever shiny
>my stomach drops as I watch him shrink into the distance
I want to die