>>43801108Hypno has been viewed as a skeevish pedo stand-in since before they directly lampshaded it in the games. Houndoom was just /vp/s doing, as that image is over eleven years old and only escalated comparatively within the last, what, year or two? Goodra's is, again, a /vp/ case, brought upon by one nutcase and a handful of bandwagonners, and retains a popular image around the rest of the internet. Gumshoos has been quite literally fucked since day one, though.
>>43801139FocusSense does the same thing with his witch Garchomp character, too. Unlike Dr. Voir however, it's thankfully JUST a Garchomp in witch attire. I believe most of Faunazon's content is also behind one person, if posting habits are to be believed.