Here's my planned Alpha Sapphire team. Unbelievably, just Swampert and Pelipper carried me all the up to and including the twins. Every single gym leader up to Wallace is weak to them. Norman technically isn't but Swampert gets power-up punch so he was a non issue too. Might swap out Milotic for Gorebyss later. Kyogre is tempting for the free rain Dance set-up since nothing else gets drizzle yet, but I hate using legendaries anymore. Wanted Walrien but it's technically ice type. I can't get Lapras or cloyster in game, and dewgong has garbage stats and i need my ice user to be offensive so I just went with modest milotic.
>>43801138Really good choices for all grass team, ws going to do this exact team myself. Rain Dance Ludicolo will end up really carrying that team in pinches I guarantee it. 6/6
>>43801156Never played the game, but looks like a great team.
>>43801244Great team, good coverage. Not keen on the names. 5/6
>>43801684Somewhat unique team, not a bad spread either considering you've got three normal types. I like oranguru, but it only caps on normal typing with ghost immunity, it gets no offensive bonus from it. 5/6
>>43801817Not bad, skill link minccino can be fun for huge type coverage, damage, and study breaking. 4/6