>>43810027252+ Def Corviknight Body Press vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Magnezone: 146-174 (51.7 - 61.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
So... it has to run choice specs or it dies if it switches in on a body press, and can't take much damage before this.
Also worth noting, Corviknight DOES get U-Turn.
>>43810634>>43810679The problem wasn't the Dragon type, it was giving massive stats to pokemon with good Stab coverage and wide movepools and wondering wtf happened. Proof, all the dragons that were busted before Fairy continued to be viable until power creep enforced the gimmick or gtfo mindset that now dominates Pokemon.
Having the dragon type didn't make Kingra, Flygon, or Altaria a menace. The correct answer was nerfing Outrage back down to 90, or producing Sap Sipper/Motor Drive abilities for the Dragon Type.
The Fairy type is actively a menace and has hurt balance as a type more than Dragon ever has, as seen by Steel being more prominent than it was when Dragons were still king.
You didn't see cascading bans of "the next best steel" back in the days of MagDrag.