>>43816127>Fighting/FairyRegional Meloetta based on Musicals with heavier emphasis on acting during performances as well as the concept of moody performers.
Would Stance Change but named Prima Donna and for a signature move called "Showstopper." Flavor Text: The user performs so amazingly it has a strange impact. This move is either a special or physical dual typed Fighting/Fairy attack which can lower defense and special defense.
Prima Donna swaps between forms that focus either on physical (constant tap dancer with hair down and wild eyes who breakdances to attack) or special (constantly in Poise technique like Kirlia but still with hair in a bun and half lids, movements are all expressive to the point of ham).
Alternatively could just be a Fairy/Fighting aspiring actor Pokemon who evolves into either happy breakdancer or sad actor and base it off of Bipolar Disorder. Could even add in a third Fairy/Fighting option based on Directors or the Crew with middling stats like Hitmontop but angry.