>>43846916Protip if you have Home:
If you want to get a Pokemon to level 100 right now without using your own exp candies, start a game on another profile and play up until the first Pokemon Center. Then do the Mystery Gift and receive the 100 exp candies (this does NOT require a Nintendo Online membership). Then use Home to transfer the Pokemon you want to level up from your main profile into Home, and then transfer it from Home into the other profile's game. (This is all done from your main profile, starting Home with the other profile won't work. There is an option to change profile within Home itself, that's what you're going to be using) Then transfer it back after you're done. You can do this 6 more times. (Switch is limited to 8 user accounts) Getting to the first Pokemon Centre takes about 15 minutes though, so I can only recommend doing this if you've a lot of Pokemon on you that you'd like to raise to level 100.