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No.43864069 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Next Pokémon games are Diamond and Pearl remakes, called
Pokémon Time Diamond and Pokémon Space Pearl
The story play will be the same as the original, however they will be Gigantamax now. This is going to sound very weird if you have played the originals, but they will be new Sinnoh form Pokémon. The city’s is much bigger than the original, well they look bigger but there not. Each gym leader will have a Gigantamax Pokémon Roark but you can rebattle him at the end of the game and he will have a Gigantamax Rampardos.
The Sinnoh starters will get a Gigantamax.
Torterra will have a giant mountain on its back the tree grows much bigger with Pokémon in the trees.
Infernape will turn into a king of all monkeys, it looks like a kung fu monkey.
Empoleon will gain a crown and a white beard with an ice staff.
The legendry’s also get Gigantamax forms, but I will leave that for a bit.
For the new games they will be DLC content, however they will not be new lands or anything like the expansion pack. You will pay for items such as the Member Cards and Oaks letter to get some mythical you might have not got in the original, and yes also Azural flute. Arceus will also have a treat for you.
So look forward to Friday 19th November 2021