>>43873960A lot more than box fillers were cut you disingenuous cunt. And a lot of shitty box fillers actually made it into SWSH. Stop pushing this stupid fucking meme, anyone with half a brain understood the implications that some great Pokemon would be cut.
You know why people complained about the dex more? Because a full dex was the BARE FUCKING MINIMUM for this franchise. The appeal of this goddamn franchise was, is, and always will be the creatures themselves, that's why it's endured for so long and surpassed other franchises much older than it. There's always something for everyone.
That's not a defense of cutting the battle frontier. That's shitty, too, and I bitched about that when ORAS was shat out, too. But cutting the most basic component of this franchise is a far, far, far worse move. I skipped out on legpiss over it, and I've skipped out on SWSH for it, and I'll skip out on gen IX over it too if the pattern continues.
I just want to take all my bros with me, I want everyone to have them. Even the cocksuckers defending this garbage, because this is bigger than the individual to me. But I'm sure they'll just call this cringe.