>>43934261Story is short, but fine. Run of the mill Pokémon “story”. Nothing to write home about.
World design is kino as shit. It’s a little small scale, but it’s probably the best designed area I’ve seen in the series.
If you treat the DLC as a $30 story expansion, you likely won’t enjoy it. It’s too little content for too much.
If you treat the game as a $15 DLC it will be pretty baseline. About what you would expect of a $15 Pokémon DLC.
If you treat it as a preorder bonus for another $30 DLC, as a tech demo showing off how an open world Pokémon game would work, it would be pretty baller but put a lot of hopes on the next DLC they likely won’t be met.
All in all, it shows a lot of cool ideas. I walked away from it excited to see where Pokémon goes in the future because if they made an entire game where the routes and towns functioned like Isle of Armor, it would EASILY be the best game in the series by a MASSIVE margin.
Also just make a new game to play through it. Having played through it twice I can tell you it was VERY MUCH designed to be played before the first gym. It has some slapped on level increases for people who have already beaten the game, but they are a bandaid fix. Playing through it at 0 badges is absolutely the best way to play it.
tl;dr review: DLC was fun more for what it implies about the design of future games than it is for its own actual content, which is mostly average across the board outside of the map design.