>>43947997In a perfect world (where cheating is impossible), I think having to breed for perfect IV's is mostly fine.
It rewards that extra level of effort, and it doesnt exactly imbalance stuff if you dont get super competitive.
It also helps to slow down the meta shifts and makes people have to invest time when attempting to copy those netlists (you want to just copy paste someone else's team? Well youre going to have to trade and/or breed to get it).
But with the rampant and uncontrolled cheating, it places legit players at an extreme disadvantage.
So making it pointless to cheat, because its easy to get a competitive team up and running then becomes the only possible solution.
Its a regrettable change, as someone who is a purist, but I understand it and I support it for the simple fact that, Ive never cheated and therefore, Ive never been competitive.
This is the first game where I can actually play, adapt my team to the meta and hang with the best of them.