>>43980387A person is edgy if they try too hard to look cool.
In fact, almost by definition being cool is something effortless.
Edgy people look at cool people, and then try to mimic their appearance.
For example, a kid might see the matrix and think it is cool as fuck, then decide to dress like neo by getting a trench coat.
They may watch a gangster movie, think gangsters are cool, then get a fedora.
Some kid might watch a movie and see a cool guy knows how to fight and is dangerous, so he tries to be aggressive looking.
Obstagoon looks like a kid who wants to be the cool, evil, all-black-wearing, face make up wearing, aggressive guy. Which is trying too hard, and therefore not cool.
Mewtwo from the first movie did the evil personality pretty well. Mewtwo doesn't look like it's trying to be cool. Mewtwo doesn't look overtly evil. Mewtwos actions made it evil, which means it would have been a good dark type.
In fact, evil/dark pokemon shouldn't necessarily look evil at all. They could just have the reason for their evil/dark nature being a pokedex or story point.
For example, hypno kidnapping children is pretty dark. But it doesn't look dark.
Similarly, there are tonnes of edgy looking pokemon that aren't dark type, so being edgy looking isn't necessarily dark, nor do dark pokemon necessarily look edgy.
In fact, obstagoon would look less edgy if it didn't have this try-hard arms crossed, smug look.
But furthermore, being overly designed to look cool isn't the only bad aspect. Underdesigned pokemon like voltorb and electrode are also pretty bad.
>le lets stick eyes on a pokeball