>>43986646>Identical color schemeThey share similar colors but that doesn't make them the same. Not that evolutions can't change color, but if you're gonna count it as a similarity then that isn't the case.
>Blind lookingThat's a bit of a stretch in Drampa's case, nor is it really a noted factor for either of them.
>Oldie lookingHow the fuck does Dunsparce look old? Because its eyes are shut?
>FeathersNone of Drampa's fur looks like feathers.
>It was CLEARLY dunsparce's evolution and they ditched itI can see why, before we learned anything about it, someone could think that, but to say that it's CLEARLY meant to be the evolution, especially on the same scale as Alomomola and Luvdisc, is complete bullshit. They don't share any actual themes beyond extremely believable coincidences like "having the normal typing" and "are based on mythical creatures" and "are vaguely serpentine". Compared to two symmetrical pink heart-shaped fish who inspire love in couples who see them, that's completely grasping at straws.
I'm not saying there aren't similarities, but you can't just point at two pokemon who have inspirations with a few similarities yet have completely different concepts behind them and say they were DEFINITELY supposed to be related.