>>43987113It's lets go Johto. I don't like it, but the fact is that it will be Johto.
- LGPE sold really well and beat their expectations.
- LGPE has a developed engine and gives 151/251 models already, along with any kind of scenery
- GF wants to take as many fans as possible in from Pokemon Go
- Doing Johto requires almost no changes to the plot, story or main characters.
- Gen 2 has historically sold really well, and is a natural progression.
GF will have had Lets Go [Gen 2] in development months after LGPE was an obvious success. They probably finished it earlier, but didn't want to detract from Sword/Shield sales.
It's cheap, easy, near guaranteed sales for very little time, effort and money. There is no way the company isn't going to do it.
>b-b-but what about tencentFrom the context of this presentation it is obvious that GF staff were directly involved in development. At most, it's a spin-off. But if its a spin off , why not reveal it last week? Only a big switch pokemon game would distract from DLC Sales
>b-b-but its going to have sinnohNope. It would be great if it did, but from a pure making money, making profit perspective, it is far more logical to do Johto-Kanto.