>>44046301> You pull out your metal rod and brace.You pull out your metal rod and brace for impact.
The creature's jaws snap on the rod, it pushes you back, but can't bite you. For now.
You think of things to do, but it's all you can do to stay standing and hold onto the rod. You're stuck. All you can think to do is shout out "Krookodile!"
Leaf bursts around the trees and clubs the beast with her rod. It hisses and swings its tail madly at her, but continues to focus on you.
As the reptile hisses it spatters your face with foul saliva.
Leaf smashes the beast in the arm with her rod. It yelps, and turns to face her. She steps up to it and hurls the Pawniard at its face. It sticks inside its mouth.
> You hit it in the back.You swing your rod and hit the Krookodile in the back. It tries to turn around, but stumbles, so you follow up with another smack to the snout.
The Krookodile honks in pain, then sweeps you off your feet with its tail!
You smash into the dirt with a pained yell.
Leaf leaps onto the Krookodile's back and begins bashing it over the head.
The Krookodile swings around, hurling her to the ground, and grabs a rock. It chucks it at her, but she quickly rolls out of the way and points her rod at the creature.
The reptile snarls and charges.
There is a loud screeching, and a blur of color, and the Krookodile is knocked to the side.
The Mazingo stands before you, adopting a Muay Thai stance. The Krookodile scrambles to its feet, and lunges.
The Mazingo smashes its knee into the Krookodile's neck. With a scream, the Krookodile collapses. It twitches for a few seconds, before going still.
> You rush over to see if Leaf is okay.You rush over to Leaf, but she is already up.
"I'm fine." She says, dusting off her shirt.
> You turn back to look at the Mazingo."I can't believe it. I'm sorry." You say.
"What?" She says, confused.