>>44032910I could see it lacking in any quantifiable way compared to Snap 1 except for graphics.
- Shorter/fewer levels
At least before the Open World craze this used to be a staple criticism of newer games compared to older ones. Graphics demand higher fidelity, so levels take longer to flesh out.
- Fewer Pokemon, worse animations
Would just kinda fit the generation's theme
- Fewer objects and valid object-pokemon or environment-pokemon interactions
Trailer shows apples a bunch of times (surprised they didn't replace it with berries or something desu), but no other items. Also didn't show something advanced like using items and the environment to make Pokemon evolve.
- Fewer secrets/easter eggs
An industry habit has been largely phased out, similar to cheat codes. I'd expect them to be most likely to end up on the cutting room floor
- Dumbing down/easier difficulty
stupid stuff like atrociously slow move speed without the Dash, or really low photo point requirements because they laserfocus a very young demographic.