>other thread got 404 before I could reply>>44071359>you can go back and find a pokeball! Fuck off
>meanwhile Alola has whole new areas if you go back>BW is trash NOOO!!! Stop itAll of the battle themes are trash, Alola has the best champion theme in the series and music fitting all the rivals unlike BW
>and haubetter than Cheren and absolutely Bianca
>Gladionbetter than Cheren and Bianca
>Trial captainsBetter than all the gym leaders but I would rather go individually since some suck more than others, also totem Pokemon are actual boss battles
>Lusaminebetter than goofy evil meme man
>Wickeagree but who the fuck is her BW counterpart?
>Fababetter than the sages
>PlumeriaBetter than the sages if you even count them as admins
>no one left>multiple gen Vthe gen V characters were trash, as always, it was just anniversary pandering, at least they gave us actually memorable characters like Red, Blue and Cynthia which saved Shitnova's ass back in 2010
Also funny you left out Kukui because he shits all over loser Adler and one of the shittiest professor only memorable for coomer bait
>sm and bw postgameBoth are shit but at least SM has a better battle facility and online? What a small new area and tower equivalent? Woooooooow the same shit since DP
>dissonancewhat dissonance? Alola as a region is better than the line
>no argumentit had more soul in music, story, characters, bringing something new to the table unlike shitnova bringing nothing and more importantly, actual Pokemon designs