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Sinnoh:>DP remakes for the switch >November 2021 release >No BF, has the Sinnoh style battle tower >Pokemon do follow you everywhere >Amity square replaced by a wild area >Mount Coronet has same layout but is a wild area now >Dmax, Gmax, Megas, and Z-moves not in the main story but available in the postgame >The postgame routes seem a bit larger >No hms >Sinnohian Pichu line, Meowth line, Venipede line, and Lapras. May be a few more but I don't know for sure >No customising your trainer to stay true to the originals >Yes there is a postgame episode with Giratina and Arceus. Distorsion world is in it, and looks visually appealing >You can catch every legendary in the postgame >Similar graphics to Swsh but more updated >Very good remastered soundtrack >Underground, contests, great marsh, resort house, survival area restaurant, poketch, and the other features return
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Don’t give me hope like this I don’t believe you
if you’re gonna post fake shit at least have fun with it for fucks sake
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>>44154434 I'm so sad this won't be true at the end. Arceus sound pretty cool though.
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>>44154570 Fucking this. Even if this were true there's nothing remotely exciting in it.
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>>44154434 >>No hms the only thing that could be true lmao
>>44154434 Again, any of these that mention a POST game and not a DLC is absolutely beyond belief.
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>>44154434 Can't we just have a normal DP remake speculation thread? Do they all have to start with an obviously made-up leak? Is it the only way to get replies?
Anyway a regional form for Lapras would be cool.
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>>44154434 Mt. Coronet being a wild area would be retarded as fuck. I don't even want a wild area to begin with. Raids are one of the worst ways to get HA Pokémon since the grottos in BW2. The only good thing about them is getting exp candy.
>>44154434 >>You can catch every legendary in the postgame You can already do that in SWSH when Crown Tundra comes out. They always save that for the last game of a generation. Anyone expecting Sinnoh next year is retarded, we’re getting Gen 9 to commemorate the series turning 25
>>44154434 >Yes there is a postgame episode with Giratina and Arceus. Distorsion world is in it, and looks visually appealing You meant the content included in the DLC
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>>44154434 I choose to believe this particular sinnoh remake leak and not one of the thousands of others that have been posted by attention-hungry tourists over the years
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< With very few changes. Neeeeext.
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>>44155617 >>44155920 The DLC didn't do well enough. If they continue it it will only be for the first game of each gen.
>>44155889 >They always save that for the last game of a generation. Aaaanndddd I'm gonna have to stop you right there. Let's Go was the last gen 7 game, but only USUM had all the legendaries.
>we're getting Gen 9 to commemorate the series turning 25 That doesn't mean shit. All gens have lasted 3-4 years. Next year is DP's 15th anniversary, and they will do DP remakes to commemorate that. And before you say they don't care about game anniversaries, Let's Go came out on Yellow's 20th anniversary
>>44155889 are you retarded? gens last 3 years. Gen 9 won't be until 2022.
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>>44157173 Exactly. Pretty sure gen 4 lasted 4 years actually. It's always at least 3
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Do people not realize that developer don't know every little thing about a game? And even if they did, they wouldn't post it all at the same time because it would narrow investigations on them? A good leak could be something like:>D/P remake >instead of the Battle Frontier there will be something more like the PWT >you will be able to unlock it after defeating Cynthia >you will unlock the National Dex here Just a couple of things, nothing narrow and with some fake things (in this case the National Dex) so that it can seem like you just guessed it
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>>44154434 what does gf have against the frontier?