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No.44189740 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've seen a lot of unironic Kalos praising on this board recently and it has me perplexed. XY are the worst mainline games ever made (the game itself not 6th generation pokemon.) This has to be an issue of kids who played XY first coming of age right?

>Kalos began the Kanto pandering
>Kalos threw all balance out the window with party exp
>Kalos began the constant cutscene interruption
>Kalos began soulless 3D models and animations
>Kalos was the beginning of the end for fun story modes before you got into just doing pvp
>Kalos ruined RS remakes leaving us with seething Hoenn fags shitting up threads.
>Kalos had no post game compared to gens 3,4,5