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Pre-Gen 6 fucking sucks

No.44190142 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>primitive EXP system encourages powerlevelling one mon instead of using a full team
>slow EV training
>RNGtastic, tedious breeding
>HMs gimping movesets and forcing dedicated slaves to waste party slots
>no Fairy type
>dead online
>unbalanced competitive
>can't transfer up from gens 1/2
>no Megas
>no regional variants
>no changing Natures
>no character customization
>missing content (tickets and distributions unavailable without hacking, Dream World dead, e-reader shit)

All of these issues and more have been rectified since XY, which is where the series actually got good. Seriously Pokemon has only improved over time in its mechanics, features and content. Nostalgiakeks need to fuck off.