>>44209989Typhlosionfag who hates the 3D model here. It's not the fire; I prefer it without too.
Its arms are stubby and useless which makes no sense if it has five fingers - thumb included.
It has no neck or even jaw definition which is something the sprite has both of.
The illiusion of its legs being bent is ruined by the single massive, stubby haunch that many upright pokemon suffer from in design because it's easer to draw in 2D than a full leg.
It's back coat looks washed out.
It's fucking sausage-like where the 2D sprite has a protruding stomach and then narrows the chest.
It just sucks. It would be fixable if they looked at it from a biological standpoint and made minor changes to proportions but kept the design the same, but this is a small indie company, so they only had time to design the 3D pokemon to look pretty much like the sprites and then didn't do a double-pass to make sure they weren't terrible in practice.