>>44234994>not sure what you're talking about, i dropped masters after the solgaleo event.Idk how you missed this stuff because its all over the game. But weve had Rosa, Hilda, Hilbert talk about what has changed in the Unova region during the time between BW and BW2. Or how they go more into Giovanni being Silvers dad but I guess that was after Solgaleo. Theres just so much stuff like that in the game though. Not really sure how you missed it.
>this i agree with, the character interactions were pretty enjoyable it's just too bad there's so few of them and they're locked behind gacha and limited time events.I think the amount of events and stuff that we get with these kinda things have been good enough but to each his own.
>it was alright for the initial story campain what what it devolves into in late game events is using the exact same button presses as everyone else which you find out immedietly by going to /pmg/. you may aswell auto, which many people do with scripts because like i said it's the same moves every time without need to adapt to any situation in the battle.This is just inaccurate today since we have Battle Villa, Legendary events, Full Force battles and decently hard event battles now. Also were getting some new elite 4 mode soon which is also supposed to be difficult. If you ever look at pmg during the Legendary Arenas youll see people asking how to get the clear days after the events been up since its actually decently hard.
Also I think my points about gen 6-8 being bad and not doing what they are supposed to do and masters doing what its supposed to do still got kinda ignored but its okay. I have to go rn anyway. See ya guys later.