>>44250484>Then why did Mega Metagross got banned despite it being deemeed A-Ok during the suspect?One thing comes to mind: Urshifu Single-Strike
Urshifu + Megagross cover each other and make for a stupidly strong offensive core that you couldn't wall at all, however, you forget that Natdex as a whole was in a state of chaos because the tier was constrained by not just Mega-Metagross but the rest of the S-tier mons like Ash-Greninja, G-Darm, Tornadus-T (who on top of having HDB, gained Nasty Plot) and again, Urshifu-SS. The constriction on team building is why NatDex banned a bunch of mons instead of going through long suspect tests that'd end up like the day in gen 7 UU where Buzzwole and Breloom were both suspect tested but because Buzzwole was the strongest threat while Breloom in comparasion looked clean and healthy, the tier evetually ended up with Breloom dominating UU to death after Buzzwole got banned. Nature's cycle, remove the apex predator and the next best thing becomes said apex predator.
And one last thing, what went with NatDex is an entirely different topic than people babyraging at HBD for not letting them and what goes with smogon is not worth comparing with real world politics, like seriously.
>>44248740>everybody who has a say on the matter also holds a personal interest on the result.I seriously hope you're not implying that because 1 person says something, everyone else is going to agree unanonymously
>This gets worse when you think about their leadership, as there's no system by which they could be held no accountable for their decissions.I seriously hope this has nothing to do with how smogon operates with the suspect tests (where the only valid votes are qualified players getting the reqs for their vote) because it just outs you as a low ladder noob that's mad because the elite doesn't validate his opinion