An uninhibited ham actor, who sometimes illustrates her points with the crudest sort of barnyard humor, Sabrina is endowed on occasion with considerable personal dignity. She has a truly unusual ability to project the force of her own powerful personality.
She is immoderately sensitive to slights—real or imagined, direct or inferred—to herself, her pokemon strategy, or her gym, all of which she views more or less interchangeably.
Capable of extraordinary frankness, and in her own eyes no doubt unusually honest, Sabrina can also on occasion be a gambler and a dissembler expert in calculated bluffing. It is often hard to distinguish when Sabrina is in her own eyes voicing real conviction and when she is dissembling.
It is also difficult with Sabrina to tell whether her anger is real or feigned…She is less able to conceal her formidable temper when she is tired.