>>44262389>Earthquake was fucking everywhere even before steel types were a problem. As were shit like Flamethrower and Fire Blast.Let's check how many viable mons in Gen 1 ran these moves:
Tauros: Runs EQ and Fire Blast, but not on the same set, instead switching them out for eachother. EQ is pretty much on there because of Gengar and CounterChansey. Fire Blast's main purpose is just to burn other Tauros.
Snorlax: Runs Earthquake very rarely, but it happens.
Rhydon: Runs Earthquake because STAB.
Slowbro: Can run Fire Blast on some sets, but it is not really optimal.
Alakazam, Exeggutor, Starmie, Zapdos, Cloyster, Jolteon, Jynx, Lapras, Victreebel: None of them learn the moves.
If we really scrape the bottom of the barrel, Golem also runs Earthquake because of STAB and Moltres runs Fire Blast for STAB and Burns. Might occasionally run Flamethrower instead with GSC tradeback.
Dragonite runs none of the moves mentioned.
Articuno and Persian can't learn them.
None of the properly viable mons in the entirety of Gen 1 runs Flamethrower, and only Tauros commonly runs Fire Blast(and even on it, its considered the weaker option for a fourth slot).
Only 2 mons(Tauros and Rhydon) commonly run Earthquake.