>The premiere Sand-sweeper. 88 base speed becomes the equivalent of 225 with an additional point of speed when Sand Rush is active.
>Also still works great in Rain since Fire damage is cut in half.
>Pairs well with other weather abusers that can use the opponents weather to their favor, giving more breathing room for Excadrill to continue razing the opposition
>Role compression taken to a new extreme. RS+SD with EQ and Rock Slide or just doubling up on STABs.
>Spin-blockers are terrified of coming in on it because they could just get nuked by a STAB EQ coming off of 135 Atk.
>Rapid Spin has always been common on Excadrill sets, so the BP and speed boost was more of a buff to itself than to the move. Jolly nature outruns mons with the equivalent of 156 base speed with full investment at +1
>Mold Breaker adds an element of mind-gaming. Could lose your Gengar in BW if switching in expecting a spin and instead got hit with EQ.
>110 HP offsets its mediocre defenses. Deceptively bulky.
>4x SR resistance
>Eight resistances and two immunities. Can pivot into all sorts of shit repeatedly.
This thing was made for violence.