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[16 / 3 / ?]

If you are visiting /vp/ because of leaks please read

No.44316062 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welcome to /vp/, the Pokemon board.
If you are here for the datamined stuff, please use the catalog to find said threads, they are marked as PPG.

Before you engage in posting on /vp/ or creating threads, please keep in mind that this is a nice place, however its very unwelcoming to people who make it obvious that they aren't from here. As such, please do not stir up drama, or shill things that are unnescessary to thread discussions. Content should ultimately be Pokemon related.

To see if whether or not you should contribute to /vp/, all you have to do is name ONE (1) Pokemon. If you can do that, then you understand /vp/ enough to engage in normal conversation.

Thanks, and remember; gotta catch 'em all.