>>44323635Thats a mutalisk.
>>44323674Not even 3d hippowdown is this bad
>>44323687Looks like a sonic character.
>>44323698I like it
>>44323710His name is earl and he sells used cars
>>44323741Now this is a sonic character
>>44323751I have a newfound appreciation of rotom design now
>>44323768/pol/ will love this
>>44323775I guess the Digimon criticism is real
>>44323835Well Regijojo looks great
>>44323863Chtullu Dialga is cute
>>44323871They disgraced my boy
>>44323881I'm so glad Torterra doesn't suck as much as this.
>>44323896Prinplup looks like a megaman stage boss
>>44323901Shinji get in the fucking robot.
>>44323952Well, froslass lite is going to get some porn
>>44323961Megaman wish to know the location of your stage
>>44324020Cute but simple
>>44324038Well now rollout makes sense
>>44324072Rhyperior was already perfect
>>44324260Ridley Scott and Gieger approve