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>Easily recognizable by the giant jaws emerging from the back of its head, the mating process for female Mawile is partly based around this second mouth, which will wrap around a male partner's genitalia to stimulate it and release material. Due to Mawile's relatively small size, it is difficult for them to fully receive genetic material from larger mates. To compensate for this, Mawile's second mouth is able to accept genetic material and transport it to the uterus for egg development. Mawile appear to enjoy mating with both it's proper genitalia and its second mouth. Males do not share this trait, but sometimes do use their second mouth to pleasure mates. Though Mawile possess the strength to forcibly take genetic material from a mate this way, they are often the submissive partner and will rarely take charge during mating. Mawile are protective of their eggs, and will often carry them in their second mouths for warmth and protection.
>While the appearance of Mawile's second mouth is somewhat off-putting for new Pokephiles, Mawile is actually a very gentle mate and readily accepts the advances of their trainers. Mawile's body size is unique for humans in that they are large enough for straightforward masturbation, but the average human penis is large enough for a satisfactory copulation with Mawile's second mouth. Experienced trainers sometimes even use both, using their mouth or hands to pleasure Mawile's genitalia while the second mouth is used to pleasure its human mate. Mawile do not mate for life.