>>44335695Not bad
Infernape is meh, I'm trying some Nasty Plot memes (Heat Wave/Vacuum Wave/Nasty Plot/Substitute atm) but I can rarely get it off without dying. Once I get Fire Blast/Focus Blast he should become real good though. Hopefully he's just a late bloomer
Mantine has fallen off a bunch, probably the most likely candidate to get switched out at this point. I like the Water Absorb to protect Infernape but he can't kill most Water types once he's in (especially Empoleon). I wanted to use Storm Drain Cradily but apparently Storm Drain didn't negate damage until Gen 5
Steelix is absolute GOAT. Takes literally no damage from anything physical and can spam Curse and sweep through most shit in her path.
Jumpluff is amazing too, mostly just because of that speed and Sleep Powder.
Dusknoir is kinda underwhelming even with the buffs, but being bulky as fuck and having Drain Punch certainly counts for something
Seviper is full glass cannon. His attack and Poison Tail's damage got buffed up a bunch and he gets a Dark Typing. He can't take a hit but Poison Tail/Night Slash plus Scope Lens make him a crit machine. And he gets Sucker Punch (despite not having arms) if he needs to outspeed things anyway.
>>44335703Very cool
Breloom or Heracross could be fun