>>44343854no. no you don't. You might think you do, but you don't. Here are just a few of the mentally unstable traits of a GF like her.
Refuses to get a job, but also won't do anything at home, focuses her effort exclusively on homestuck fanart and wanting to marry the medic from Team Fortress 2.
unwashed cunt.
Takes your clothes and whines if you try to get her to return them. She thinks this is quirky and endearing.
Gets mad at you for something you did in a dream she had.
Asks random insecure emotionally manipulative questions, like 'would you still like me if I were a guy.'
Is trans but only for a week or when crushing on random mannish lesbian characters.
unwashed cunt.
Will adopt a random animal regardless of fit for the household and without consulting you. It will probably be a fully-grown cat.
buys food and drink she's craving and never eats it, but you're not allowed to eat it either, just throw it away eventually.
completely economically inept. She absolutely will spend your money on random shit she was sold without consulting you, given an opportunity. Her reasoning for this is that she knows you'd want her to have it if you knew how happy it'd make her. She will lose this object within a week.
Animal-themed sex toys.
likes anime, but actually just hetalia and anything with an affable undead character.
unwashed cunt.
Hasn't been to a doctor since high school.
Seeing you engage in any form of responsible self-maintenance like basic hygiene gives her anxiety, because she's afraid you'll realize you're too good for her. you are.
Her anxiety is your fault for being too functional, and your job to manage.
every couple of months, she'll develop a new mental illness OR spiritual identity. something to explain why she is literally worthless.
owns 30 random volumes of manga with monsters and/or boys on the cover that she wants to fuck. hasn't really read them. you paid for them.
unwashed cunt.