>>44397327Holy shit, this entirely. Social media in general is a tumor on society. People become narcissistic and self righteous virtue signaling about how much they support refugees, illegal immigrants, LGBT people, black people, Hispanic people, ect. Like a Twitter hashtag is gonna end war in Syria and end racism. The term slactivist really rings true. It's just a more public version of prayer; I cant/wont do anything, so I'll pray to god, or in this case, virtue signal online, as if it's going to make a difference. I'm honest about what I like to refer to as my "emotional bandwidth". I have a limited number of fucks to give, and I have to dole them out carefully. Obviously I have a baseline amount of compassion for everyone, but I don't shed tears for idiots, or want to throw logic to the wind to give into 'marginalized' peoples gripes at the expense of others. Maybe I'm just an asshole, and there are people who genuinely care deeply for all 7 billion people on earth and weep every time something bad happens, but I don't think so. I donate to charity and help others when I can, but I don't plaster it on Facebook to get praise from people I barely know to stroke my ego.