Honorable mentions to Minior (because they used its worst art option), Shellder, Lotad, Vanillite, and Swadloon
>>44398454 Fantastic taste, 14/18
>>44398464 Generic, but still very solid. Mega Altaria is fantastic, especially. 14/18
>>44398558 Cute/18
>>44398813 12/18, seeing Illumise in a thread like this is a first. Points deducted for Urshifu being water pick. Don’t hate it but like... why?
>>44398980 17/18 phenomenal taste
>>44400606 Pretty based, 15/18
>>44402211Good taste for the most part. Nice bugs 15/18
>>44401206Near perfection. Most of the mons here that aren’t on my list are still in my top 3 or so for each type. Not a single pick I dislike. 18/18