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No.44400295 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /vp/!

I'd like to use my shiny Cursola on my ranked team on cart for this season. The problem is, Cursola is very bad. Now, I'm a karenfag so I know that, I'm fine with it. I'm just looking for some advice on how I can more effectively use this pokemon, no idea what held item/moveset I should be going with. I'll list her relevant moves below, as well as her signiture ability in case you guys weren't aware of it.

Perish Body - When the Pokémon with Perish Body is hit with a contact move, both the attacker and the Pokémon with Perish Body will faint in three turns.

Stat Spread in case you didn't know
HP: 60
Sp Atk:145 (!!)
Sp Def:130

Relevant move options
-Strength Sap
-Power Gem
-Mirror Coat
-Giga Drain
-Whirlpool (Can trap someone to die to Perish Body?)
-Shadow Ball
-Burning Jealosy
-Meteor Beam
-Water attacks, Scald, Hydro Pump, Surf