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No.44419711 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is this the most no one cares Pokemon of all time? in its debut gen there were 2 other ice/water mons that both outclassed it AND were earlier to catch/gifted than it.
Its design is very plain simple and bland cloyster and lapras are objectviely better than it by stats and even looks
>no specialty to it
>shit movepool
>bad stats
>defensive ice type
>no regional variant
>no mega
>no gigamax
>isnt the ace of anyone
>in most games a late game so youre likely to already have a water type on your team
>got thick fat as ability but still shit
they set dewgong up for failure no one is gonna use it ever unless there is no better option and its hard to not have a better option that this trash 475 shitmon
Maybe they shouldve went for a more meremaid route with it to get the coomers at least or even evolve it.
this is one of the few mons were im sure if they could they would delete it