>>44507996Your baiting or you'll never learn, but fuck it. It was one meteor, and everything in the blast radius died. Now then go outside and throw a rock at the ground... you will notice dust flies up. If you know how clouds actually work, you know that very loosly packed small solids/liquids can remain in the sky for a while. Millions of tons of dust go up and block out the sun. Plants need the sun to survive, most of them die, leaving not enough food for the big herbivores which in turn leaves not enough food for the big carnivores.
...and I'll even go one deflection down for you, you were probably going to say "Nice story" or imply we just made it up... so exsplain to me why there is a layer of material (iridium) not found commonly on earth, or any other layer, and why we see big dinosaur skeletons below it and ((almost)) never above it? If we found a person dead with a stab wound, are we making stories up if we say the person was probably stabbed?