>>44527335I don't think one (1) change is enough.
Sun has Chlorophyll, Solar Power, boosted fire attacks, weakened water attacks, 1-turn Solar Power and Blade, and boosted Growth going for it.
Rain has Swift Swim, boosted water attacks, weakened fire attacks, 100% accurate Thunder and Hurricane, and even Hydration and Rain Dish going for it.
Sand has Sand Rush, Sand Force, a boost to the SpDef of all rock types, and damages anything that's not a Rock, Steel, or Ground type, or doesn't have a sand-related ability.
What does Hail have? Barely anything. The damage just pigeonholes you into only using ice types, and Slush Rush is only given to ice types which furthers the pigeonholing.
The only reason to use Hail is for Aurora Veil, but even then, people don't make Hail teams. They make Aurora Veil teams. Hail is incidental.