>>445749921) have then use pastell colors and designs from the 90's.
2) Have Kantor be interconnected with Jotho
3) Have gyms be open for challenge at any level, maling the games more open ended. Have a cutscene show the gym leader assetain your minner og badges and collect a team appropriate to your minner og badges.
4) Use a painted world style and colors scheme for the world, make IT look as close as the early Anime world as possible.
5) Have the wilderness surroinding the routes be explorable. Keep a part or Road as the intended parth, but allow for hidden shortcuts between towns, abandoned ruins and secluded mountains lakes with rare spawns depending om stuff like time, quest or world progression.
6) Have a day/night cycle and do it fight
7) Let pokemons have their correct sales, but also have variations which is reflected inn their stats
8) Make a personality system tied to naturens, familiarity and happiness.
9) All pokemons can be let out and travel with you as companions, using aforementioned personality system.
10) pokemons Travellink with you have unique Fjeld abilities unlocked with level, evo or personality related stats, such as tree climb, ore miming etc.
11) Have the open seas be explorable with dive
12) introduce a pokeball crafting system
13) after unifying the two elite fours, have the final event be a championship tournament.
14) make levering slower, but allow for dynamic aquisition of new moves. Inrease Max EV's to allow for wider caps of power Even at the same level.