Here's my hunt of the prior week: my first wild hunt, Solrock, 156 encounters only! I had to bring myself a Mew with Explosion and Imprison to make it not explode on my face. I also S.O.S.d in Moon a shiny Yoongus as well. Not much more, tried going for a shiny on PokéRadar but the chaining kept breaking and the game locking up sometimes, oof. Let's go to the questions!
>>44581787>Current hunt?A PokéRadar hunt on Gen 4, or Sport Ball HA Shiny Pinsir on Sword. I'm switching between them, I also have pending Bouffalant, but after 600 I'm a bit tired of looking at the buffalo.
>Last successful hunt?Yungoos on Moon, as said above!
>Game with most playtime hunting?Although Platinum is the game I have the most hours on, hunting specifically I think I spent most of the time in Sword, followed by Moon. It's so convinient!
>Do you delete or preserve savefiles you hunt on?I always preserve them, no matter inside the cart or backing them up with Homebrew apps. All my savefiles I spent a lot of time on are valuable to me, even if I ain't hunting on them, so I never erase them.