>>44634100>Keep in mind that the largest stat increase given to any mon was 40, given to Masquerain.I'll just give them even bigger statboosts, maybe even
lower some stats to redistribute them to other stats >And no Pokemon have had their stats decreased other than AegislashJust because it doesn't happen often, doesn't mean it can't happen at all. Game Freak has clearly done it before, so it's clearly a thing that is "allowed" in Pokemon; albeit with few examples
Anyway, here's how I'd buff Pidgeot and Beedrill
New Stats:
HP: 83
Attack: 80
Defense: 75
Special Attack: 105
Special Defense: 70
Speed: 121
New Abilities: Charisma/No Guard/(HA)Gale Wings
Charisma: Lower's the opposing Pokemon's Special Attack by one stage. Basically, a special Intimidate. Pokemon with the abilities Own Tempo and Oblivious and unaffected, as well as Psychic-Type Pokemon
New Moves: Focus Blast, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Dazzling Gleam, Vacuum Wave, Shadow Ball, Night Slash, Bulk Up, Thunder Wave, Close Combat, Scorching Sands, Swords Dance, Calm Mind, Energy Ball, Solar Beam, Seed Bomb
Pidgeot's new stats allow Pidgeot to function as a fast mixed attacker, with more focus on Special Attack. Pidgeot has two offensive abilities to choose from: No Guard and Gale Wings. No Guard allows Pidgeot to land powerful moves such as Focus Blast and Hurricane with 100% accuracy and without reliance on Rain, while Gale Wings allows Pidgeot to outspeed just about any Pokemon with it's Flying-Type moves
Charisma is a good ability in Doubles, and it allows Pidgeot to keep Special attackers in check while giving it's other teammember support
This buffed Pidgeot is most comparable to Talonflame. While Talonflame has slightly higher Attack and Speed, Talonflame is unable to function as a Special or Mixed attacker nearly as well as Pidgeot due to it's far lower SpAtk. Pidgeot also has two other good abilities it can use, while TF only has one viable ability