>>44637508So monster catching RPGs have to have laughably shitty graphics, terrible stories/characaters, practically non-existent map design, and terrible monster animations?
Dragon Quest XI blows Pokemon out of the water in every conceivable area, and they had around 670 monsters in the game,most of which had both 3d modeling and sprite work. No, they weren't all unique, but then again neither were most of the animations in Pokemon Sw/Sh, so that's hardly an excuse.
>>44637586I don't know what Nippon even means. I admit I haven't tried all the DQ games and only completed IX and XI, but it's virtually impossible to deny either of them aren't superior to Sw/Sh.
Fuck, the graphics and animations in SW/Sh are closer to IX than they are to XI.
Even compared to the Switch's enhanced Digimon ports, Sw/Sh is an embarrassment on pretty much every conceivable level.