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10KiB, 236x259, 644ea2be91fe3067b00efada4c0dd208--christmas-crafts-nom-nom.jpg
Quoted By: >>44640606 >>44640624 >>44643768 >>44643818 >>44643866 >>44643874 >>44643961 >>44644004 >>44644499 >>44644814 >>44645902 >>44647594 >>44647733 >>44647755 >>44648984 >>44649002
Screw the games. What's unironically your happiest/most favorite moment during /vp/?
Whether it be comfy threads, showderp, fan theory speculation or "the moon is clouds", tell me a time where you were glad to be on /vp/
Whether it be comfy threads, showderp, fan theory speculation or "the moon is clouds", tell me a time where you were glad to be on /vp/