Loved Pokemon Showdown BETA, probably not going to watch this money-grubbing remake, so why am I writing this 'review'? Just because it was funny to see how out of all the nationalities on this rock, The Proud Americans are THE only ones unable to properly use English in writing and cannot, for the life of them, grasp the grammar of this beautiful language they continue to mutilate. But hey, what do we 'foreigners' know, right? It WAS hilarious for a while. Now it's just terrifying. Seriously put down the holey book you keep using as a casus belli-excuse for your continued warmongering and Learn Your Own Language at the very least. After you've mastered proper English I'd suggest focusing on impartial science and maybe stop listening to propaganda funded by greedy industrialists. Exempli gratia; Denying Climate Change is actually happening and is so totally and empirically proven beyond any doubt to be caused by human actions. Only bribed scientists claim otherwise, and most of those are just regular tossers in labcoats. Time to grow up, America. You have ABSOLUTELY no cause to sing "I'm PROUD to be an american!" None. Love, THE REST OF THE DAMN PLANET!