>>44652559>that LickitungThis was the only card I had from Southern Islands for a good while. I'm not sure why, exactly, but after they put those cards out in the folio, a lot of them wound up as throw-in singles in blister packs around the time Neo Destiny was out, so probably 2002. Target always had a ton of those value configurations, and I remember getting two Neo Revelation and one Discovery boosters, Lickitung, and a couple of Black Star Promos. I was never sure why Lickitung didn't have a rarity and why I'd never seen the set symbol before but I was absolutely in love with the style of the card art. My sister got and identical blister that had SI Lapras and it was the same thing, we loved the art style as it was so unlike the other cards of the era, and I remember wondering how you could complete the set and for years after just seeking out any card I could find. Imagine my shock when I saw the Japanese sets in a card store in NYC and saw the beautiful art with the amazing reverse-holo treatment which was yet to be a thing.
Anyway, just a long-winded-ass way to say there's probably no other TCG set that can fill me with such nostalgia. Shit, even the box design is comfy.