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Gen 9 details confirmed

No.44669920 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
> Gen 9 will feature an India based region.
> The games theme will revolve around science vs. religion much like Kanto Vs. Johto, which were focused on genetics and traditions respectively.
> The games' evil team will be comprised of inter-dimensional beings.
> There will be travel between two regions: present and past India.
> This will be the first Pokemon game to feature two main protagonists and player takes control of two characters in their respective times.
> National dex is replaced by continental dex.
> Curry makes a comeback.
> No Z moves and mega evolutions.
> The games' legendary are god tier Pokemons, just like Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, and Arceus.
> Addition of 100+ new Pokemon.
> Triple battle system.
> There will be no DLC.
> Introduction of netherly and heavenly beasts.
> Game's mascots will be based on a bird and a monkey. Mascot duo head will be based on a cow based legendary.
> Battle frontier makes a comeback.
> Game returns to classic old gym battles.
> You will be able to escape when battling trainers and legendaries.
> This will be the biggest ever region created by Nintendo.